
I recently quit my managerial position in my job. I got a pay cut of approximately 15k, and, just like that, committed career suicide in a 10 minute conversation. Everyone tells me I did well, that my mental health is more important, that what matters is love and peace of mind.
I know it’s true.
I truly believed that when I quit.
I still do.
But… Certain paradigms are so ingrained.
You are born, you get labelled with your gender.
Then they move on to characterising your personality with adjectives.
Then it’s your career…
Imagine if a conversation could go this way.
“What do you do?”
“I sometimes shop on-line, sometimes go straight to the Sainsbury’s local, hug someone almost every day, dance in the kitchen, secretly pee in the shower, pretend I’m stretching to cover up that I’m actually farting trying to do so quietly… What else…? Go to work, cook food and eat it, have sex when I can (wink wink)... Occasionally run a marathon… What about you?”

But we rarely assume that when someone is asking us what we do they are actually, literally, wanting to have that kind of answer.
Perhaps we should start giving it more often.


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